
Kalika Stotram| Powerful Kali Mantra for Protection and Prosperity

A prominent statue of Hindu goddess Kali adorned with intricate details and red backdrop, showcasing spirituality.

॥ Daksina Kalika Stotram॥

ॐ कृशोदरि महाचण्डि मुक्तकेशिं बलीप्रिये।
कुलाचारप्रसन्नास्ये नमस्ते शङ्करप्रिये॥

Om Krishodari Mahachandi Muktakeshim Balipriye |
Kulachara-Prasannasye Namaste Shankara-Priye ||

घोरदंष्ट्रे कोटोराक्षि किटिशब्दप्रसाधिनि।
घुरघोररवस्फारे नमस्ते चितावासिनि॥

Ghora-Damshtre Kotoraakshi Kiti-Shabda-Prasaadhini |
Ghura-Ghora-Rava-Sphaare Namaste Chita-Vaasini ||

बन्धूकपुष्पसङ्काशे त्रिपुरे भयनाशिनि।
भाग्योदयसमुत्पन्ने नमस्ते वरबन्दिनि॥

Bandhuka-Pushpa-Sankaashe Tripure Bhaya-Naashini |
Bhaagyodaya-Samutpanne Namaste Vara-Bandini ||

जय देवि जगद्धात्रि त्रिपुराद्ये त्रिदेवते।
भक्तेभ्यो वरदे देवि महिषघ्नि नमोऽस्तु ते॥

Jaya Devi Jagaddhaatri Tripuraadye Tri-Devate |
Bhaktebhyo Varade Devi Mahishaghni Namo’stu Te ||

घोरविघ्नविनाशाय कुलाचारसमृद्धये।
नमामि वरदे देवि मुण्डमालाविभूषणे॥

Ghora-Vighna-Vinaashaaya Kulaachaara-Samriddhaye |
Namaami Varade Devi Mundamaalaa-Vibhooshane ||

रक्तधारासमाकीर्णे करकाञ्चीविभूषिते।
सर्वविघ्नहरे कालि नमस्ते भैरवप्रिये॥

Rakta-Dhaaraa-Samaakeerne Karakaanchi-Vibhooshite |
Sarva-Vighna-Hare Kaali Namaste Bhairava-Priye ||

नमस्ते दक्षिणामूर्ते कालि त्रिपुरभैरवि।
भिन्नाञ्जनचयप्रख्ये प्रवीणशवसंस्थिते॥

Namaste Dakshinaamoorte Kaali Tripura-Bhairavi |
Bhinnaan-Jana-Chaya-Prakhye Praveena-Shava-Samsthite ||

गलच्छोणितधाराभिः स्मेराननसरोरुहे।
पीनोन्नतकुचद्वन्द्वे नमस्ते घोरदक्षिणे॥

Galacchhonita-Dhaaraabhih Smera-Anana-Saroruhe |
Peenonnata-Kucha-Dvandve Namaste Ghora-Dakshine ||

शवद्वयकृतोत्तंसे नमस्ते मदविह्वले॥

Aarakta-Mukha-Shaantaabhir-Netraaleebhir-Viraajite |
Shava-Dvaya-Kritottamse Namaste Mada-Vihvale ||

पञ्चाशन्मुण्डघटितमाला लोहितलोहिते।
नानामणिविशोभाढ्ये नमस्ते ब्रह्मसेविते॥

Panchaashan-Munda-Ghatita-Maalaa Lohita-Lohite |
Naanaa-Mani-Vishobhaadhye Namaste Brahma-Sevite ||

शवास्थिकृतकेयूरे शङ्खकङ्कणमण्डिते।
शववक्षःसमारूढे नमस्ते विष्णुपूजिते॥

Shavaasthi-Krita-Keyoore Shankha-Kankana-Mandite |
Shava-Vakshah-Samaaroodhe Namaste Vishnu-Poojite ||

शवमांसकृतग्रासे अट्टहासे मुहुर्मुहुः।
मुखशीघ्रस्मितामोदे नमस्ते शिववन्दिते॥

Shava-Maansa-Krita-Graase Attahaase Muhur-Muhuh |
Mukha-Sheeghra-Smitaamode Namaste Shiva-Vandite ||

खड्गमुण्डधरे वामे सव्येऽभयवरप्रदे।
दन्तुरे च महारौद्रे नमस्ते चण्डनादिते॥

Khadga-Munda-Dhare Vaame Savye Abhaya-Varaprade |
Danture cha Mahaa-Raudre Namaste Chanda-Naadite ||

त्वं गतिः परमा देवि त्वं माता परमेश्वरी।
त्राहि मां करुणासाद्रे नमस्ते चण्डनायिके॥

Tvam Gatih Paramaa Devi Tvam Maataa Parameshvaree |
Traahi Maam Karunaasaadre Namaste Chanda-Naayike ||

नमस्ते कालिके देवि नमस्ते भक्तवत्सले।
मूर्खतां हर मे देवि प्रतिभां जयदायिनि॥

Namaste Kaalike Devi Namaste Bhakta-Vatsale |
Moorkhataam Hara me Devi Pratibhaam Jaya-Daayini ||

गद्यपद्यमयीं वाणीं तर्कव्याकरणादिकम्।
अनधीतगतां विद्यां देहि दक्षिणकालिके॥

Gadya-Padyamayee Vaanim Tarka-Vyaakaranaadikam |
Anadheeta-Gataam Vidyaam Dehi Dakshina-Kaalike ||

जयं देहि सभामध्ये धनं देहि धनागमे।
देहि मे चिरजीवित्वं कालिके रक्ष दक्षिणे॥

Jayam Dehi Sabhaamadhye Dhanam Dehi Dhanaagame |
Dehi me Chirajeevitvam Kaalike Raksha Dakshine ||

राज्यं देहि यशो देहि पुत्रान्दारान्धनं तथा।
देहान्ते देहि मे मुक्तिं जगन्मातः प्रसीद मे॥

Raajyam Dehi Yasho Dehi Putraan-Daaraan-Dhanam Tathaa |
Dehaante Dehi me Muktim Jagan-Maatah Praseed Me ||

ॐ मङ्गला भैरवी दुर्गा कालिका त्रिदशेश्वरी।
उमा हैमवतीकन्या कल्याणी भैरवेश्वरी॥

Om Mangalaa Bhairavee Durgaa Kaalikaa Tridasheshvaree |
Umaa Haimavatee-Kanyaa Kalyaanee Bhairaveshvaree ||

काली ब्राह्मी च माहेशी कौमारी वैष्णवी तथा।
वाराही बासली चण्डि त्वां जगुर्मुनयः सदा॥

Kaalee Braahmee cha Maaheshee Kaumaaree Vaishnavee tathaa |
Vaaraahee Baasalee Chandi Tvaam Jagur-Munayah Sadaa ||

उग्रतारेति तारेति शिवैकजटेति च।
लोकोत्तरेति कालेति गीयते कृतिभिः सदा॥

Ugra-Taareti Taareti Shivaika-Jateti cha |
Lokottareti Kaaleti Geeyate Kritibhih Sadaa ||

यथा काली तथा तारा तथा छिन्ना च कुल्लका।
एकमूर्तिश्चतुर्भेदा देवि त्वं कालिका पुरा॥

Yathaa Kaalee tathaa Taaraa tathaa Chhinnaa cha Kullakaa |
Eka-Moortis-Chaturbhedaa Devi Tvam Kaalikaa Puraa ||

एकत्रिविधा देवी कोटिधानन्तरूपिणी।
अङ्गाङ्गिकैर्नामभेदैः कालिकेति प्रगीयते॥

Eka-Trividhaa Deveeh Kotidhaa’nanta-Roopinee |
Angaangikair-Naama-Bhedaih Kaaliketi Prageeyate ||

शम्भुः पञ्चमुखेनैव गुणान् वक्तुं न ते क्षमः।
चापल्यैर्यत्कृतं स्तोत्रं क्षमस्व वरदा भव॥

Shambhuh Panchamukhenaiva Gunaan Vaktum na te Kshamah |
Chaapalyair-Yatkritam Stotram Kshamasva Varadaa Bhava ||

प्राणान् रक्ष यशो रक्ष पुत्रान् दारान् धनं तथा।
सर्वकाले सर्वदेशे पाहि मां दक्षिणकालिके॥

Praanaan Raksha Yasho Raksha Putraan Daaraan Dhanam tathaa |
Sarvakaale Sarvadeshe Paahi Maam Dakshina-Kaalike ||

यः सम्पूज्य पठेत् स्तोत्रं दिवा वा रात्रिसन्ध्ययोः।
धनं धान्यं तथा पुत्रं लभते नात्र संशयः॥

Yah Sampoojya Pathet Stotram Divaa vaa Raatri-Sandhyayoh |
Dhanam Dhaanyam tathaa Putram Labhate Naatra Samshayah ||

Kalika Stotram: Meaning, History, and Benefits

The Kalika Stotram is a powerful hymn dedicated to Goddess Kali, an embodiment of divine energy (Shakti). Revered as one of the fiercest forms of Goddess Durga, Kali symbolizes the ultimate truth, strength, and protection. This stotram beautifully encapsulates the spiritual essence of Kali, invoking her divine grace to remove obstacles, grant prosperity, and bestow liberation (Moksha) to her devotees.

Historical Background

Close-up of a colorful statue of Goddess Kalika, showcasing intricate details and vibrant colors, in Kolkata, India.

The Kalika Stotram originates from ancient Hindu scriptures, particularly Tantric texts. It is traditionally chanted during rituals dedicated to Goddess Kali, especially in regions of Eastern India, like West Bengal and Assam, where Kali worship is most prevalent. Historically, Kali worship can be traced back to texts like the Devi Mahatmya, part of the Markandeya Purana, composed around the 5th-6th century CE.

Goddess Kali emerged from the brow of Goddess Durga during her fierce battle with demonic forces, symbolizing divine wrath and ultimate destruction of evil. Over centuries, Kali has been worshipped not only as a destroyer but as a protector and compassionate mother. Temples such as the revered Dakshinkali Temple in Nepal (more details can be found here) reflect the cultural significance of Kali worship.

Meaning and Interpretation

Each verse of the Kalika Stotram vividly describes Goddess Kali’s divine form, attributes, and protective powers. The stotram starts by invoking Kali’s fierce form, addressing her as ‘Kṛśodari Mahācaṇḍi’, which means “the slender-waisted, fiercely powerful one.” It describes her form adorned with garlands of skulls (Mundamala) and standing atop Shiva, signifying the triumph of consciousness over ego and ignorance.

Verses in the stotram also praise Kali as “Tripurabhairavi” and “Bhairavapriye,” associating her closely with Lord Bhairava, symbolizing time, dissolution, and fierce protection. Kali’s attributes—such as her dark complexion symbolizing the boundless cosmic energy, her open hair representing freedom from worldly attachments, and her fearsome appearance indicating strength against evil—are poetically described throughout the stotram.

Importantly, the hymn also seeks blessings for intellectual growth, removal of ignorance, granting victory in endeavors, prosperity, longevity, and ultimately liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Benefits of Chanting Kalika Stotram

Intricate statue of Goddess Kalika adorned in traditional ornaments, surrounded by vibrant drapes in a temple setting.

Chanting the Kalika Stotram regularly is believed to have numerous spiritual and worldly benefits:

  1. Removal of Obstacles: Goddess Kali is revered as the destroyer of obstacles and evil forces. Devotees chant the stotram to seek her divine intervention in removing hindrances from their paths.
  2. Protection from Negative Influences: Regular chanting of this stotram creates a powerful spiritual shield around the devotee, protecting them from negative energies, black magic, and harmful influences.
  3. Prosperity and Wealth: The verses explicitly request Kali’s blessings for prosperity, wealth (Dhana), and abundance. Devotees chanting with devotion often experience financial stability and success.
  4. Wisdom and Intellect: Kali, also revered as a source of profound wisdom, blesses devotees with intelligence, clarity of thought, and enhanced creativity. Students and scholars often chant this hymn to overcome academic challenges and intellectual obstacles.
  5. Longevity and Health: The stotram includes prayers for good health, long life, and protection from diseases, contributing to overall physical and mental well-being.
  6. Spiritual Growth and Liberation (Moksha): Chanting the Kalika Stotram with devotion accelerates spiritual progress, aiding devotees in overcoming ego, ignorance, and attachments. The ultimate benefit described is liberation from the cycle of rebirth, achieving eternal peace and union with the divine.
  7. Peace and Stability: Regular chanting of the stotram brings immense peace, emotional stability, and mental clarity, reducing stress and anxiety.

Complementary Mantras and Hymns

Devotees often combine the chanting of Kalika Stotram with other powerful hymns dedicated to divine forces for enhanced spiritual benefits. Popular among these is the Dakshina Kali Dhyana Mantra, which beautifully complements the Kalika Stotram by invoking Kali’s protective and compassionate aspects.

Another complementary prayer is the Shani Chalisa, dedicated to Lord Shani (Saturn), whose favorable placement in astrology is crucial for overcoming obstacles, delays, and hardships. Combining the power of Kali’s grace with Shani Dev’s blessings greatly enhances spiritual protection, prosperity, and overall well-being.

Ritualistic Significance and Chanting Procedure

Colorful statue of Goddess Kalika adorned with garlands in a Kolkata temple.

To derive maximum benefit, it is traditionally recommended to chant the Kalika Stotram either during sunrise, noon, sunset, or midnight—the spiritually potent transitional phases of the day. Devotees often recite this stotram during rituals, pujas, or during visits to significant Kali temples such as the Dakshinkali Temple in Nepal.

For guidance on proper chanting and pronunciation, devotees often refer to authoritative sources, such as this informative video on Kalika Stotram, ensuring accurate recitation to harness its full spiritual potency.

Cultural Influence and Relevance

Goddess Kali remains central to Hindu spiritual practices, particularly within Tantra and Shakta traditions. The Kalika Stotram is frequently recited during Kali Puja, an important festival celebrated widely in Eastern India, Bangladesh, and Nepal, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil, light over darkness, and spiritual awareness over ignorance.

Temples like the Dakshinkali shrine in Nepal are important pilgrimage destinations, attracting thousands of devotees seeking Kali’s blessings for protection, prosperity, and spiritual guidance. Learn more about Dakshinkali and its spiritual significance through this insightful exploration.


The Kalika Stotram is a profound hymn encapsulating the divine power, grace, and protective energy of Goddess Kali. Its verses are imbued with spiritual potency capable of transforming lives, promoting inner peace, and achieving spiritual liberation. Regular chanting, combined with sincerity and devotion, promises tangible and intangible benefits—spiritual enlightenment, protection from negativity, intellectual growth, and worldly prosperity. Incorporating it into daily spiritual practice, alongside complementary mantras like the Dakshina Kali Dhyana Mantra and the Shani Chalisa, enriches one’s spiritual journey profoundly.

May the blessings of Goddess Kali illuminate and empower your life, bringing wisdom, prosperity, and lasting peace.

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